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Për shkak të rregulloreve të qeverisë që synojnë reduktimin e mbetjeve, duke filluar nga 1 janari 2025, hotelet në Tajvan do të kufizojnë përdorimin e produkteve njëpërdorimshe të tualetit (si kësulë dushi, krehër, furçë dhëmbësh, pastë dhëmbësh, brisk, krem rroje, etj.). Mysafirët inkurajohen të sjellin sendet e tyre. Pets are strictly prohibited at the property, with the exception of guide dogs. br/ The property provides boat transfer tickets at an additional charge. Please contact the property for more information. br/ The property provides Chinese cuisine for lunch and dinner. Please contact the property for more information. br/ The property provides shuttle service to Shueishe Visitors Center. Kindly contact the property for more details. br/ Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) circumstances, after onsite measurement guests’ whose forehead temperature is above 37.5 C or ear temperature is above 38 C might be rejected for accommodations as per the government's regulations. br/ Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) circumstances, the property is implementing additional measures to protect the safety of guests and staff. Some services and amenities may be limited or unavailable. Please contact the property for more information. br/ Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) circumstances, those who are requested by the government to undergo household quarantine or home isolation will be rejected as per the government’s regulations. br/ Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, certain restaurants, bars, public facilities and areas may be closed in accordance with the government directives. Please contact the property for more information. br/ Eligible for domestic stimulus voucher when choosing “Pay at hotel” option. Payment must be completed between October 8, 2021 and April 30, 2022. |
Disa tarifa mund të paguhen me kartë bankare kur rezervoni në linjë. Ju mund të paguani për rezervimin tuaj duke përdorur një kod promocional nëse e keni një të tillë. |
Nëse dëshironi të paguani porosinë me transfertë bankare si person juridik, dërgoni një email në adresën [email protected]
Markë shërbimi e regjistruar në Bashkimin Evropian