od 4.397 RSD
Zabeleške gostiju:
Wi-Fi kvalitet
Unesite datume putovanja i prikazaćemo vam trenutne cene
Nije odabran nijedan datum
Ako još uvek nemate tačne datume, izaberite približne dane kako biste videli približne cene.
Moscow, Zelenograd, k1205, Zelengrad
U apartmanu
Želite biti onlajn uvek? Nudimo Vam WiFi. Samo za turiste koji putuju kolima, postoji parking zona. Prilagođeno za goste sa posebnim potrebama: uz pomoć lifta mogu lako doći do najviših spratova. Dodatne usluge kojeapartman nudi svojim gostima: usluga peglanja.
Sadržaji jedinice
U jedinici, samo za Vas, nalazi se TV. Opremljenost sobe zavisi od same kategorije sobe.
Činjenice o apartmanu
Tip električnih utičnica
Tip C utičnica
220 V / 50 Hz
Tip C utičnica
(sa uzemljenjem)
220 V / 50 Hz
Prijava |
Posle 14:00 |
Odjava |
Do 12:00 |
Prijava |
Posle 14:00 |
Odjava |
Do 12:00 |
Državljani Rusije po dolasku moraju imati originalni ruski pasoš. Russian citizens must have an original valid Russian passport upon arrival.
Rules of accommodation in the apartments:
— Upon check-in guests are required to pay a security deposit. The deposit is returned after checking the condition of the accommodation object for compliance with the rules of accommodation and safety of property.
— Check-in time: check-in from 02:00 PM, check-out before 12:00 PM, regardless of what time the guests checked in, they must vacate the flat before 12:00 PM.
— Staying in the flat after 12:00 PM is agreed with the manager in advance and paid separately.
— Accommodation with animals is prohibited.
— Smoking is strictly prohibited in the apartment, if the administrator detects the smell of smoke at the time of check-out, the deposit will be withheld.
The flats are not intended for celebrations and any other festivities, as well as loud music and other noise, especially after 10:00 PM. In case of violation of this clause of the rules, the hotelier has the right to evict the guests without refunding the payment.
Making a reservation for the flat and making a prepayment indicates that the guests agree to the terms and conditions of the accommodation. |
Prilikom onlajn rezervacije neke tarife je moguće platiti karticom. Rezervaciju možete platiti promotivnim kodom ukoliko ga imate. |
Ako želite da platite narudžbenicu preko računa kao pravno lice, molimo Vas da pošaljete mejl na [email protected]
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