od 8.135 RSD
Unesite datume putovanja i prikazaćemo vam trenutne cene
Nije odabran nijedan datum
Ako još uvek nemate tačne datume, izaberite približne dane kako biste videli približne cene.
Navaginskaya street, 11, Soči
U apartmanu
Bežični internet je dostupan u smeštajnom objektu besplatno. Pitajte za više informacija prilikom prijave. Ako putujete kolima, postoji parking zona. Ako dolazite kolima, možete parkirati u zoni koja se naplaćuje. Osoblje apartmana će organizovati transfer za Vas.
Sadržaji jedinice
U jedinici, postoji TV. Opremljenost sobe zavisi od same kategorije sobe.
Činjenice o apartmanu
Tip električnih utičnica
Tip C utičnica
220 V / 50 Hz
Tip C utičnica
(sa uzemljenjem)
220 V / 50 Hz
naplaćuje se posebno
naplaćuje se posebno
Prijava |
15:00 do 21:00 |
Odjava |
Do 11:00 |
Prijava |
15:00 do 21:00 |
Odjava |
Do 11:00 |
Državljani Rusije po dolasku moraju imati originalni ruski pasoš. Parking is available for a fee; if there are vacant spots near the property, guests may park for free.
An additional set of bed linen is provided for an extra charge of RUB 500.00.
A contract is signed upon check-in.
An insurance deposit is provided. The security deposit is refunded after checking the apartment, but not earlier than the completion of cleaning on the day of departure of the guests, if check-out was no later than 03:00 PM, or during the day, if check-out was later.
Cooperation with individuals and legal entities is provided, all types of payment are accepted. For legal entities, the organization is billed for non-cash payment.
Smoking is not allowed, as well as noisy events and parties. A fine of RUB 5000.00 will be charged for violations of the rules of accommodation.
The working hours of the administration are from 09:00 AM to 08:00 PM, so check-in and check-out between 08:00 PM and 09:00 AM are charged additionally in the amount of RUB 1000.00. Early check-in or late check-out is possible upon request. |
Prilikom onlajn rezervacije neke tarife je moguće platiti karticom. Rezervaciju možete platiti promotivnim kodom ukoliko ga imate. |
Ako želite da platite narudžbenicu preko računa kao pravno lice, molimo Vas da pošaljete mejl na [email protected]
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