od 22.621 RSD
Unesite datume putovanja i prikazaćemo vam trenutne cene
Nije odabran nijedan datum
Ako još uvek nemate tačne datume, izaberite približne dane kako biste videli približne cene.
kottedzhnyij posyolok Evropejskij Kvartal, 58, Prudki
U pansionu
Želite biti onlajn uvek? Nudimo Vam WiFi. Samo za turiste koji putuju kolima, postoji besplatna parking zona. Takođe, u pansionu za goste nudimo sledeće usluge: sauna. Postoje sledeći zabavni sadržaji u okviru objekta: karaoke, prostor za piknik i prostor za pravljenje roštilja.
Sadržaji jedinice
U jedinici, postoji TV. Opremljenost sobe zavisi od same kategorije sobe.
Činjenice o pansionu
Tip električnih utičnica
Tip C utičnica
220 V / 50 Hz
Tip C utičnica
(sa uzemljenjem)
220 V / 50 Hz
naplaćuje se posebno
Prijava |
Posle 15:00 |
Odjava |
Do 11:00 |
Prijava |
Posle 15:00 |
Odjava |
Do 11:00 |
Državljani Rusije po dolasku moraju imati originalni ruski pasoš. Accommodation cost:
Weekdays (Sunday 15:00 — Friday 11:00) — RUB 12000.00 per day, includes 6 people.
Weekends (Friday 15:00 — Sunday 11:00) — RUB 18000.00 per day, includes 6 people.
Additional payments:
For an additional guest — RUB 1800.00 per day, payment for the entire stay.
Accommodation with a pet — RUB 1500.00 per day, payment for the entire stay.
Sauna rental — RUB 5000.00 per day, payment possible 1 day in advance.
Garbage removal — RUB 500.00; can be removed independently, bags are provided.
Accommodation for 5 days or more — 5% discount.
Accommodation for 10 days or more — 10% discount.
The cost and rental conditions during holidays are specified individually.
The deposit is paid upon arrival, returned after checking the property and compliance with the house rules.
Payment is made in two stages:
1. Upon booking — the cost of accommodation.
2. The day before arrival — final payment and security deposit.
Transport accessibility:
By car: 22 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the new Novorizhanskoye Highway.
By bus No. 367 from the Domodedovskaya metro station to the village of Volodarskogo, then on foot.
By bus No. 351 from the Otdykh MCD station, then on foot.
House rules:
Smoking, including hookahs and vapes, is prohibited in the house.
It is prohibited to light candles and sparklers.
Noisy street events are prohibited from 10:00 PM to 08:00 AM. Noisy parties are allowed only inside the house.
Fireworks are prohibited on the premises.
Walking around the house in street shoes is prohibited.
The following are prohibited: fighting, drug use, holding intimate events, and stag parties.
The number of guests must not exceed the number specified during booking. |
Prilikom onlajn rezervacije neke tarife je moguće platiti karticom. Rezervaciju možete platiti promotivnim kodom ukoliko ga imate. |
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