od 9.012 RSD
Unesite datume putovanja i prikazaćemo vam trenutne cene
Nije odabran nijedan datum
Ako još uvek nemate tačne datume, izaberite približne dane kako biste videli približne cene.
ulitsa Kuznetskiy Most, 19s1, Moskva
U apartmanu
Bežični internet je dostupan u smeštajnom objektu besplatno. Pitajte za više informacija prilikom prijave. Prilagođeno za goste sa posebnim potrebama: uz pomoć lifta mogu lako doći do najviših spratova. Dodatne usluge kojeapartman nudi svojim gostima: usluga peglanja. Osoblje apartmana rado će govoriti sa Vama engleski i ruski.
Sadržaji jedinice
U jedinici, samo za Vas, nalazi se TV. Opremljenost sobe zavisi od same kategorije sobe.
Činjenice o apartmanu
Tip električnih utičnica
Tip C utičnica
220 V / 50 Hz
Tip C utičnica
(sa uzemljenjem)
220 V / 50 Hz
Prijava |
Posle 15:00 |
Odjava |
Do 11:00 |
Prijava |
Posle 15:00 |
Odjava |
Do 11:00 |
Državljani Rusije po dolasku moraju imati originalni ruski pasoš. Parking is not provided in the house.
Remote check-in is provided according to the instructions with an access code through an electronic lock.
Early check-in and late check-out are possible if they do not overlap with the needs of the previous or next guest. Non-standard check-in or check-out times are discussed additionally.
Contact information is provided in the booking confirmation. The property is available for communication from 10:00 to 22:00.
If guests wish to book accommodation with check-in on the same day, please contact the property and make payment with a deposit before 21:00 of the current day, if check-in is possible.
On the day of check-in, a deposit is paid, as well as the remaining payment for the stay. Payment is made by bank transfer.
The deposit is returned by bank transfer on the day of check-out after cleaning, provided that the apartment and property in it are intact.
For long-term stays, free cleaning is provided on the 7th day of check-in and every 7 days thereafter.
The cost of living may depend on the day of the week and rental demand.
The following is prohibited in the apartments:
Holding noisy events and parties, making noise after 23:00.
Smoking inside the apartment, including electronic cigarettes.
Living with pets. |
Prilikom onlajn rezervacije neke tarife je moguće platiti karticom. Rezervaciju možete platiti promotivnim kodom ukoliko ga imate. |
Ako želite da platite narudžbenicu preko računa kao pravno lice, molimo Vas da pošaljete mejl na [email protected]
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