od 6.003 RSD
Unesite datume putovanja i prikazaćemo vam trenutne cene
Nije odabran nijedan datum
Ako još uvek nemate tačne datume, izaberite približne dane kako biste videli približne cene.
ulitsa Krasnaya, 176/5/1, Krasnodar
U apartmanu
Provedite veče u prijatnoj atmosferi bara. Vreme je za dobar obrok! Svratite do restorana. Popijte šoljicu kafe u našem kafiću, ko zna, možda će ona biti najbolja kafa u gradu. Želite biti onlajn uvek? Nudimo Vam WiFi.
Sadržaji jedinice
Kako biste lepo odmorili nakon dugog dana ovo imate u sobi: TV i bademantil. Pažnja, navedeni sadržaji možda nisu dostupni u svim sobama.
Činjenice o apartmanu
Tip električnih utičnica
Tip C utičnica
220 V / 50 Hz
Tip C utičnica
(sa uzemljenjem)
220 V / 50 Hz
naplaćuje se posebno
naplaćuje se posebno
naplaćuje se posebno
naplaćuje se posebno
naplaćuje se posebno
naplaćuje se posebno
naplaćuje se posebno
naplaćuje se posebno
Prijava |
Posle 15:00 |
Odjava |
Do 12:00 |
Prijava |
Posle 15:00 |
Odjava |
Do 12:00 |
Državljani Rusije po dolasku moraju imati originalni ruski pasoš. A security deposit is charged upon check-in and is fully refundable upon check-out, unless the rules of residence have been violated or damage has been caused to the apartment.
Underground parking is available upon request. The cost is from RUB 700.00 per day. The card allows you to leave your car in the underground parking for more than 7 hours.
A cot is available upon request, the cost is from RUB 1000.00 per stay. A high chair is available for 600.00 RUB per stay. A bathrobe is available upon request for RUB 600.00.
The apartment has remote check-in. For check-in instructions, guests must contact the property in advance by phone, indicated in the booking confirmation.
Small, indoor dogs up to 5 kg are allowed in the apartment. Other animals are not allowed. Payment is made for each pet. The pet must be no more than 35 cm at the withers. Accommodation cost: from 1 to 5 days — RUB 1000.00, more than 5 days — RUB 1500.00, more than 10 days — RUB 2000.00, more than 15 days — RUB 2500.00, more than 20 days — RUB 3000.00, more than 25 days — RUB 3500.00, more than 30 days — RUB 4000.00. The cost is valid for a one-time payment.
A security deposit of RUB 2000.00 is charged separately for each pet.
Noisy events and birthdays are prohibited.
Smoking is prohibited in the apartment. There is a smoking area on the floor.
Additional fee for providing accounting documents — 10% of the cost of accommodation.
If guests have any questions, they need to contact us by reply letter or by phone, indicated in the booking confirmation. |
Prilikom onlajn rezervacije neke tarife je moguće platiti karticom. Rezervaciju možete platiti promotivnim kodom ukoliko ga imate. |
Ako želite da platite narudžbenicu preko računa kao pravno lice, molimo Vas da pošaljete mejl na [email protected]
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