od 18.187 RSD
Unesite datume putovanja i prikazaćemo vam trenutne cene
Nije odabran nijedan datum
Ako još uvek nemate tačne datume, izaberite približne dane kako biste videli približne cene.
Dolní Dvůr, 308, Krkonose National Park
U hotelu
Provedite veče u prijatnoj atmosferi bara. Vreme je za dobar obrok! Svratite do restorana. Želite biti onlajn uvek? Nudimo Vam WiFi. Ako dolazite kolima, možete parkirati u parking zoni.
Sadržaji jedinice
U jedinici, samo za Vas, nalazi se tuš i TV. Opremljenost sobe zavisi od same kategorije sobe.
Činjenice o hotelu
Tip električnih utičnica
Tip E utičnica
230 V / 50 Hz
Broj soba
plaća se posebno
Prijava |
Posle 14:00 |
Odjava |
Do 10:00 |
Parking is subject to availability due to limited spaces. The front desk is open from 8:00 until 21:00, there is no night front desk at the property. Please note during the winter months it is not possible to park directly at the property. Transfer to the accommodation is provided for a surcharge by a snowcat. Parking is available at Parking Tetrevi Boudy near Dolni Dvůr, from where the property provides transfer for a surcharge. The transfer takes 25 minutes and the last transfer leaves at 19:00. Close to this parking area, there is also a ski rent. Please also note that the property is located on mountain ridges and not in a town center. There are no shops on site. |
U gotovini |
U valuti hotelu - CZK |
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Ako želite da platite narudžbenicu preko računa kao pravno lice, molimo Vas da pošaljete mejl na [email protected] |
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