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Bai Chay, Halong
Regjistrim |
Pas 14:00 |
Çregjistrim |
Deri 12:00 |
Regjistrim |
Pas 14:00 |
Çregjistrim |
Deri 12:00 |
All passengers (children included) is required to provide full passport information at least 24 hours before arrival date as Port Authority Regulations. Late update will be charged penalty. Please contact property to provide your information. Free Wi-Fi is available in the public area on the boat. Internet signals may be interrupted due to the limestone shielding Boarding time starts at 12:15 PM at Halong International Port. Check in lounge will be happened from 11.00 AM to 12.00 PM at Ambassador Lounge, 1st floor Terminal, Halong Sungroup International Cruise port, Bai Chay, Quang Ninh. The room rate does not include the transfer bus fee. Please contact the property for more information. Infant under 4 years old stays for free if using existing bedding. Maximum infants allowed per room is 1. Baby cot is available at no additional charge. Maximum children 5 – 11 years old allowed per room is 1. Children 5 – 11 years old will apply surcharge per child per night for full board, cruise program, tax and service charge. It is payable at the property upon arrival. Please contact the property for more information. Guests are required to pre-register with the cruise at least 2 days prior to arrival. The cruise requires the guest’s full name, gender, date of birth, nationality, passport number or ID, and visa expiry date. The guests who do not register in advance will not be boarded. |
Disa tarifa mund të paguhen me kartë bankare kur rezervoni në linjë. Ju mund të paguani për rezervimin tuaj duke përdorur një kod promocional nëse e keni një të tillë. |
Nëse dëshironi të paguani porosinë me transfertë bankare si person juridik, dërgoni një email në adresën [email protected]
Markë shërbimi e regjistruar në Bashkimin Evropian