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40 Afghan Road, Around Battersea, Londra
Regjistrim |
Pas 14:00 |
Çregjistrim |
Deri 12:00 |
By making this reservation you will also need to agree to the terms and conditions of the owner, which will be sent to you shortly after your booking confirmation. You will need to reply to this email to confirm you have received it. If you decide you are not happy to agree to these additional terms and conditions, you can cancel free of charge within 48 hours of receiving them; after 48 hours, charges will apply. Please provide onefinestay with your estimated time of arrival. You can do this by using the Special Requests box when booking. As your booking approaches, onefinestay will contact you to confirm the details of your arrival. When you arrive at the property, a representative will be there to give you a tour of the home. You will also get a loan iPhone for free calls, texts, maps and tips from the host. Normal check-in time is 16:00, with check-out being any time until 11:00. However, guests are very welcome to drop their bags at the house any time after 12:30. Alternatively, an early check-in can normally be arranged at additional cost. A fully refundable security deposit will be required upon arrival for damages. Please note that the apartment is on the 7th floor and the lift only goes up to the 6th. |
Me para kesh |
Në monedhën e hotelit — GBP |
Disa tarifa mund të paguhen me kartë bankare kur rezervoni në linjë. Ju mund të përdorni pikët për të bërë një pagesë të pjesshme ose të plotë të rezervimit tuaj. Ju mund të paguani për rezervimin tuaj duke përdorur një kod promocional nëse e keni një të tillë. |
Nëse dëshironi të paguani porosinë me transfertë bankare si person juridik, dërgoni një email në adresën [email protected] |
Markë shërbimi e regjistruar në Bashkimin Evropian