Aveton Gifford, Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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Aveton Gifford: 13 opsione gjetur

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Loddiswell, Loddiswell

2.2km nga qendra e Aveton Gifford
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Torrings Barn Torrings Farm, Ashford, Aveton Gifford

1.3km nga qendra e Aveton Gifford
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Aveton Gifford, TQ7 4EH, United Kingdom, Aveton Gifford

1.8km nga qendra e Aveton Gifford
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The Gallery Chantry, Aveton Gifford

1.8km nga qendra e Aveton Gifford
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The Barn Chantry, Aveton Gifford

1.8km nga qendra e Aveton Gifford
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Mill Lane Aveton Gifford, Aveton Gifford

302m nga qendra e Aveton Gifford
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St. Anns Chapel, Saint Anns Chapel

3km nga qendra e Aveton Gifford
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2 Court Cottages Fore Street Aveton, Aveton Gifford

53m nga qendra e Aveton Gifford
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10 Bigbury Court, Bigbury

2.7km nga qendra e Aveton Gifford
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Churchstow, Churchstow

2.5km nga qendra e Aveton Gifford
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Churchstow, Salcombe, Tq7 3Qw, Kingsbridge, United Kingdom, Churchstow

2.5km nga qendra e Aveton Gifford
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Swallows Loft Easton House Bigbury, Ringmore

2.3km nga qendra e Aveton Gifford
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Court Barton, Aveton Gifford Kingsbridge, Aveton Gifford, TQ7 4LE, United Kingdom, Aveton Gifford

304m nga qendra e Aveton Gifford
Dhomë në këtë hotel