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Guests noted:
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Nuk është zgjedhur asnjë datë
Nëse nuk i dini ende datat specifike, zgjidhni data të përafërta për të parë çmimet e llogaritura.
ulitsa Gagarina, 106, Lipetsk
Të përgjithshme
Kafshë shtëpiake
Regjistrim |
14:00 – 00:00 |
Çregjistrim |
Deri 12:00 |
Numri maksimal | Çmimi |
Për tu sqaruar në vend | Për tu sqaruar në vend |
Disponueshmëri | Çmimi |
Lejohen kafshë shtëpiake nën 5 kg | Për tu sqaruar në vend |
Shtetasit rus duhet të kenë një pasaportë origjinale ruse në mbërritje. The front desk is not open around the clock. In case of check-in after 12:00 AM, guests should inform the hotel in advance and get check-in instructions. Contact information can be found on the booking confirmation.
Rules for accommodation with animals:
Only small dogs of non-fighting breeds weighing up to 5 kg are allowed to live with animals. The hotel reserves the right to refuse check-in to a guest with an animal.
Pets are allowed when the guest buys the whole room.
The cost of accommodation for one animal in the Smart Hotel is 500.00 RUB.
The guest must have a special carrier (cage) for the animal and a special mat for his sleep. It is forbidden to leave the animal unattended and outside a special carrier (cage).
To feed the animal, the guest must bring special dishes with him.
To meet the natural needs of the animal, which do not require its walking, the guest is obliged to bring a special tray or other special bedding.
Throughout the hotel (corridors, halls, elevators, etc.) and during walking, dogs must be muzzled, collared and on a leash, accompanied by a guest.
It is forbidden for dogs to be in the catering area (restaurant, buffet, etc.).
Guests arriving at the hotel with an animal on vacation must have an animal passport and a certificate from a veterinarian with a note about all vaccinations that were given to the pet. |
Me para kesh | me kartë banke |
Në monedhën e hotelit — RUB |
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Nëse dëshironi të paguani porosinë me transfertë bankare si person juridik, dërgoni një email në adresën [email protected] |
Markë shërbimi e regjistruar në Bashkimin Evropian