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Sanoara, Dhiffushi
Në resort
Shijoni kuzhinën lokale dhe pushoni në restorant. Resorti kafeneja është vend i këndshëm për një ushqim të lehtë. Wi-Fi falas në territor do t’ju ndihmojë të qëndroni në internet. Nëse udhëtoni me makinë, mund të parkoni në një zonë parkimi.
Pajisjet e dhomës
Dhoma është e dekoruar ngrohtësisht dhe ka gjithçka që ju nevojitet për të pushuar pas një dite të gjatë plot ngjarje. Ka një orë me alarm, një televizor dhe një mini-bar. Pajisjet e dhomës varen nga kategoria e saj.
Fakte rreth hotelit
Lloji i prizës elektrike
Lloji G
230 V / 50 Hz
Lloji G
230 V / 50 Hz
Lloji J
230 V / 50 Hz
Lloji K
230 V / 50 Hz
Lloji L
230 V / 50 Hz
Numri i dhomave
32 dhoma
faturuar veçmas
faturuar veçmas
faturuar veçmas
Regjistrim |
Pas 14:00 |
Çregjistrim |
Deri 12:00 |
Regjistrim |
Pas 14:00 |
Çregjistrim |
Deri 12:00 |
Transferta duhet të paguhet veçmas. Kostoja mund të variojë nga 200 deri në 600 USD. To get to Diffushi Island, guests need to use a speedboat transfer service. A shuttle service can be arranged by the hotel. The transfer fee is paid in cash in USD upon check-in.
To arrange a transfer, guests must provide their travel details and their full names at least 72 hours before arrival. The travel time is about an hour, depending on weather conditions.
Option 1: Individual speedboat
Private speedboat transfer from Velana International Airport:
USD 275.00 one way or USD 475.00 both ways, maximum for 6 guests.
USD 475.00 one way or USD 875.00 both ways for a maximum of 16 guests.
USD 525.00 one way or USD 975.00 both ways for a maximum of 30 guests.
Option 2: Ferry
The Mee Express Altec ferry runs between Male and Diffushi Island according to the following schedule:
Male – Diffushi, via airport:
From Sunday to Wednesday:
11:30 AM departure from Male and 11:40 AM departure from the airport;
04:30 PM departure from Male and 04:40 PM departure from the airport.
11:30 AM departure from Male and 11:40 AM departure from the airport;
04:30 PM departure from Male and 04:40 PM departure from the airport;
08:00 PM departure from Male and 08:10 PM departure from the airport.
08:30 AM departure from Male and 08:40AM departure from the airport;
09:00 PM departure from Male and 09:10 PM departure from the airport.
11:30 AM departure from Male and 11:40 AM departure from the airport;
04:30 PM departure from Male and 04:40 PM departure from the airport;
09:00 PM departure from Male and 09:10 PM departure from the airport.
Diffushi — Male via airport:
From Sunday to Wednesday:
07:30 AM departure from Diffushi Island;
01:30 PM departure from Diffushi Island.
07:30 AM departure from Diffushi Island;
01:30 PM departure from Diffushi Island;
05:45 PM departure from Diffushi Island.
07:00 AM departure from Diffushi Island;
05:45 PM departure from Diffushi Island.
07:30 AM departure from Diffushi Island;
01:30 PM departure from Diffushi Island;
05:45 PM departure from Diffushi Island.
Ferry seats must be booked in advance. The cost is USD 35.00 per guest in one direction.
Departure from Male or arrival in Male is Berth No. 1, in front of the Maldives Monetary Authority building.
Departure from the airport or arrival at the airport is a pier for speedboats, opposite the exit from the airport.
Departure from Diffushi Island or arrival at Diffushi Island is the main marina of Diffushi Island.
For Christmas and New Year's Eve dinners, guests may be charged separately at the hotel. |
Disa tarifa mund të paguhen me kartë bankare kur rezervoni në linjë. Ju mund të paguani për rezervimin tuaj duke përdorur një kod promocional nëse e keni një të tillë. |
Nëse dëshironi të paguani porosinë me transfertë bankare si person juridik, dërgoni një email në adresën [email protected]
Markë shërbimi e regjistruar në Bashkimin Evropian