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Dhigurah, Maadhoo Noonu, Noonu Atoll
Të përgjithshme
Të gjitha shërbimet dhe pajisjet
paguar veçmas
paguar veçmas
Gjuhët e folura
Tarifat e turistit
Pishinë ose plazh
Bukuri dhe mirëqenie
paguar veçmas
Kafshë shtëpiake
Regjistrim |
14:00 – 00:00 |
Çregjistrim |
Deri 12:00 |
Numri maksimal | Çmimi |
Për tu sqaruar në vend | Për tu sqaruar në vend |
Transferta duhet të paguhet veçmas. Kostoja mund të variojë nga 200 deri në 600 USD. Domestic transfers, roundtrip Velana International Airport, Maafaru International Airport — shared:
Adult, including children ages 12 and up: USD 320.00 per adult round trip, including all taxes.
Child, 2 to under 12 years old: USD 165.00 per child round trip including all taxes.
Infants and children under 2 years old are free.
Roundtrip seaplane transfers, Velana, Siyam World International Airport — shared:
Adult, including children ages 12 and up: USD 490.00 per adult round trip, including all taxes.
Child, 2 to under 12 years old: USD 295.00 per child round trip including all taxes.
Infants and children under the age of 2 are free.
Allowance of up to 20 kg baggage and 5 kg hand baggage per person. For excess baggage a surcharge of USD 5.00 per 1 kg plus a goods and services tax is applicable. In extraordinary circumstances, luggage may be carried on a later flight, rules and procedures in accordance with TMA, domestic airline operator rules. The resort is not responsible for delayed luggage of guests due to these reasons.
Baggage entitlement does not apply to infants.
Guests must provide full flight information at least 7 days prior to arrival in order to guarantee their transfer. Failure to do so may require additional waiting time in the airport lounge or an overnight stay in Male at an additional cost.
Guests departing from the airport will be provided with a transfer no later than 3 hours prior to the scheduled departure time of the international flight.
Guests departing from Male on an international flight before 09:00 AM will receive a seaplane or overnight domestic flight transfer. Accommodation in Male can be booked at an additional cost.
For all seaplane transfers, arrivals before 04:00 PM and departures after 09:00 AM, the round-trip seaplane transfer will be automatically booked by the resort at the time of booking, unless otherwise instructed in the booking.
For all domestic flights, arrivals and departures, the transfer will be automatically booked by the resort hotel at the time of booking, unless other instructions are indicated in the booking request.
Shuttle service is not always available at certain times. The resort hotel is not responsible for compensation related to such delays. All flights have a fixed schedule. Waiting times at Male airport cannot be confirmed in advance.
For security reasons and to protect the privacy of all guests, no drones or unmanned aerial vehicles of any kind, including recreational aircraft models, are permitted on the resort property.
Christmas Eve Gala Dinner December 24th per adult: USD 495.00.
Christmas Eve Gala Dinner December 24th per child up to 11 years old: USD 250.00.
New Year's Eve Gala Dinner December 31st per adult: USD 495.00.
New Year's Eve Gala Dinner December 31st per child up to 11 years old: USD 120.00. |
Me para kesh | me kartë banke |
Në monedhën e hotelit — USD |
Disa tarifa mund të paguhen me kartë bankare kur rezervoni në linjë. Ju mund të përdorni pikët për të bërë një pagesë të pjesshme ose të plotë të rezervimit tuaj. Ju mund të paguani për rezervimin tuaj duke përdorur një kod promocional nëse e keni një të tillë. |
Nëse dëshironi të paguani porosinë me transfertë bankare si person juridik, dërgoni një email në adresën [email protected] |
Markë shërbimi e regjistruar në Bashkimin Evropian