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33 Viale Adriatico, Ravenna
Në hotel
Mund të ndaleni në barin. Është koha për një vakt të këndshëm! Ndalemi në restorant. Dëshironi të keni gjithmonë internet? Wi-Fi është në dispozicion. Veçanërisht për turistët që udhëtojnë me makinë, ekziston një zonë parkimi.
Pajisjet e dhomës
Dhoma është e dekoruar ngrohtësisht dhe ka gjithçka që ju nevojitet për të pushuar pas një dite të gjatë plot ngjarje. Ka një televizor. Ju lutemi vini re se shërbimet e listuara mund të mos jenë të disponueshme në të gjitha dhomat.
Fakte rreth hotelit
Lloji i prizës elektrike
Lloji C
230 V / 50 Hz
Lloji C
230 V / 50 Hz
Lloji L
230 V / 50 Hz
faturuar veçmas
Regjistrim |
Pas 15:00 |
Çregjistrim |
Deri 10:30 |
Regjistrim |
Pas 15:00 |
Çregjistrim |
Deri 10:30 |
Në çmimin e rezervimit nuk përfshihet tatimi i pastrimit i cili paguhet veçmas në hotel.
Në hotelet e Italisë mund të zbatohen tarifat e detyrueshme për mbrëmjet gala. Klientët duhet të kontaktojnë drejtpërdrejt me hotelin për më shumë informacione. Included/Not included
- Breakfast: Enriched Buffet
- Lunch: Buffet
- Dinner: Buffet
- Drinks at meals: house wine, water, softdrinks
- Mid-August Dinner: Included,
- The stay starts with: lunch and ends with breakfast
- Citybikes rental: on request, at charge
- Parking space upon availability: Included
- WiFi: Included, in common areas
- Pets allowed on request: small dogs 10€ per day, to be paid on the spot
- City tax: ca. 2€ per person per night, starting from 14 years old, to be paid on the spot
- Baby bed according to availability: Included, on request
- Beach Service: Included, 1 parasol, 2 sunbeds, 20 meters from hotel,
- Outdoor pool: Sunbeds (upon availability), Umbrellas (upon availability), according to weather conditions, valid from 25/05 to 07/09
Included/Not included
- Breakfast: Enriched Buffet
- Lunch: Buffet
- Dinner: Buffet
- Drinks at meals: house wine, water, softdrinks
- Mid-August Dinner: Included,
- The stay starts with: lunch and ends with breakfast
- Citybikes rental: on request, at charge
- Parking space upon availability: Included
- WiFi: Included, in common areas
- Pets allowed on request: small dogs 10€ per day, to be paid on the spot
- City tax: ca. 2€ per person per night, starting from 14 years old, to be paid on the spot
- Baby bed according to availability: Included, on request
- Beach Service: Included, 1 parasol, 2 sunbeds, 20 meters from hotel,
- Outdoor pool: Sunbeds (upon availability), Umbrellas (upon availability), according to weather conditions, valid from 25/05 to 07/09
Included/Not included
- Breakfast: Enriched Buffet
- Lunch: Buffet
- Dinner: Buffet
- Drinks at meals: house wine, water, softdrinks
- Mid-August Dinner: Included,
- The stay starts with: lunch and ends with breakfast
- Citybikes rental: on request, at charge
- Parking space upon availability: Included
- WiFi: Included, in common areas
- Pets allowed on request: small dogs 10€ per day, to be paid on the spot
- City tax: ca. 2€ per person per night, starting from 14 years old, to be paid on the spot
- Baby bed according to availability: Included, on request
- Beach Service: Included, 1 parasol, 2 sunbeds, 20 meters from hotel,
- Outdoor pool: Sunbeds (upon availability), Umbrellas (upon availability), according to weather conditions, valid from 25/05 to 07/09
Included/Not included
- Breakfast: Enriched Buffet
- Lunch: Buffet
- Dinner: Buffet
- Drinks at meals: house wine, water, softdrinks
- Mid-August Dinner: Included,
- The stay starts with: lunch and ends with breakfast
- Citybikes rental: on request, at charge
- Parking space upon availability: Included
- WiFi: Included, in common areas
- Pets allowed on request: small dogs 10€ per day, to be paid on the spot
- City tax: ca. 2€ per person per night, starting from 14 years old, to be paid on the spot
- Baby bed according to availability: Included, on request
- Beach Service: Included, 1 parasol, 2 sunbeds, 20 meters from hotel,
- Outdoor pool: Sunbeds (upon availability), Umbrellas (upon availability), according to weather conditions, valid from 25/05 to 07/09 |
Disa tarifa mund të paguhen me kartë bankare kur rezervoni në linjë. Ju mund të paguani për rezervimin tuaj duke përdorur një kod promocional nëse e keni një të tillë. |
Nëse dëshironi të paguani porosinë me transfertë bankare si person juridik, dërgoni një email në adresën [email protected]
Markë shërbimi e regjistruar në Bashkimin Evropian