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I shkëlqyer
Guests noted:
Vlera për para
Nuk ka ende komente për këtë hotel, por ka një vlerësim të përgjithshëm të vizitorëve.
Vendosni datat e udhëtimit tuaj dhe do të shfaqen çmimet aktuale
Nuk është zgjedhur asnjë datë
Nëse nuk i dini ende datat specifike, zgjidhni data të përafërta për të parë çmimet e llogaritura.
11020 Pila, Gressan AO, Italy, Gressan
Në hotel
Kaloni një mbrëmje në atmosferën e këndshme të barit. Mund të ndaleni në restorant. Shërbimet e mëposhtme janë gjithashtu në dispozicion për mysafirët: një sauna dhe një qendër ujërash termale. Për të apasionuarit pas sporteve dimërore, shërbimet e mëposhtme janë në dispozicion: ski te dera.
Pajisjet e dhomës
Në dhomë, për ju ka një televizor. Pajisjet e dhomës varen nga kategoria e saj.
Fakte rreth hotelit
Lloji i prizës elektrike
Lloji C
230 V / 50 Hz
Lloji C
230 V / 50 Hz
Lloji L
230 V / 50 Hz
Të përgjithshme
Bukuri dhe mirëqenie
paguar veçmas
Sporte dimërore
Kafshë shtëpiake
Regjistrim |
Pas 14:00 |
Çregjistrim |
Deri 12:00 |
Në çmimin e rezervimit nuk përfshihet tatimi i pastrimit i cili paguhet veçmas në hotel.
Në hotelet e Italisë mund të zbatohen tarifat e detyrueshme për mbrëmjet gala. Klientët duhet të kontaktojnë drejtpërdrejt me hotelin për më shumë informacione. Included/Not included
- Breakfast: Enriched Buffet
- Dinner: 3 courses with choice
- Salad buffet: at dinner
- New Years dinner: Included,
- Christmas dinner: Included, Christmas Dinner on 24/12
- The stay starts with: dinner and ends with breakfast
- Dessert-buffet: at dinner
- Parking space upon availability: Included
- Garage: on request, according to availability 5€ per night, to be paid on the spot
- Shuttle bus on request: At charge, to the airport (at determined times)
- WiFi: Included, in common areas
- Pets allowed on request: Included, small dogs
- City tax: ca. 1€ per person per night, starting from 12 years old, to be paid on the spot, except for government changes
- Baby bed according to availability: 10 € per night, to be paid on the spot
- fitness room: included
- Facilities wellness center: sauna
- Entry at the wellness area: included,
- Beauty Spa: Massages on request, at charge
- Supplement FB: Enriched buffet breakfast, Lunch with 3 courses with choice, Dinner with 3 courses with choice, The treatment begins with lunch and ends with breakfast
Included/Not included
- Breakfast: Enriched Buffet
- Dinner: 3 courses with choice
- Salad buffet: at dinner
- New Years dinner: Included,
- Christmas dinner: Included, Christmas Dinner on 24/12
- The stay starts with: dinner and ends with breakfast
- Dessert-buffet: at dinner
- Parking space upon availability: Included
- Garage: on request, according to availability 5€ per night, to be paid on the spot
- Shuttle bus on request: At charge, to the airport (at determined times)
- WiFi: Included, in common areas
- Pets allowed on request: Included, small dogs
- City tax: ca. 1€ per person per night, starting from 12 years old, to be paid on the spot, except for government changes
- Baby bed according to availability: 10 € per night, to be paid on the spot
- fitness room: included
- Facilities wellness center: sauna
- Entry at the wellness area: included,
- Beauty Spa: Massages on request, at charge
- Supplement FB: Enriched buffet breakfast, Lunch with 3 courses with choice, Dinner with 3 courses with choice, The treatment begins with lunch and ends with breakfast
Included/Not included
- Breakfast: Enriched Buffet
- Dinner: 3 courses with choice
- Salad buffet: at dinner
- New Years dinner: Included,
- Christmas dinner: Included, Christmas Dinner on 24/12
- The stay starts with: dinner and ends with breakfast
- Dessert-buffet: at dinner
- Parking space upon availability: Included
- Garage: on request, according to availability 5€ per night, to be paid on the spot
- Shuttle bus on request: At charge, to the airport (at determined times)
- WiFi: Included, in common areas
- Pets allowed on request: Included, small dogs
- City tax: ca. 1€ per person per night, starting from 12 years old, to be paid on the spot, except for government changes
- Baby bed according to availability: 10 € per night, to be paid on the spot
- fitness room: included
- Facilities wellness center: sauna
- Entry at the wellness area: included,
- Beauty Spa: Massages on request, at charge
- Supplement FB: Enriched buffet breakfast, Lunch with 3 courses with choice, Dinner with 3 courses with choice, The treatment begins with lunch and ends with breakfast
Included/Not included
- Breakfast: Enriched Buffet
- Dinner: 3 courses with choice
- Salad buffet: at dinner
- New Years dinner: Included,
- Christmas dinner: Included, Christmas Dinner on 24/12
- The stay starts with: dinner and ends with breakfast
- Dessert-buffet: at dinner
- Parking space upon availability: Included
- Garage: on request, according to availability 5€ per night, to be paid on the spot
- Shuttle bus on request: At charge, to the airport (at determined times)
- WiFi: Included, in common areas
- Pets allowed on request: Included, small dogs
- City tax: ca. 1€ per person per night, starting from 12 years old, to be paid on the spot, except for government changes
- Baby bed according to availability: 10 € per night, to be paid on the spot
- fitness room: included
- Facilities wellness center: sauna
- Entry at the wellness area: included,
- Beauty Spa: Massages on request, at charge
- Supplement FB: Enriched buffet breakfast, Lunch with 3 courses with choice, Dinner with 3 courses with choice, The treatment begins with lunch and ends with breakfast |
Me para kesh | me kartë banke |
Në monedhën e hotelit — EUR |
Disa tarifa mund të paguhen me kartë bankare kur rezervoni në linjë. Ju mund të përdorni pikët për të bërë një pagesë të pjesshme ose të plotë të rezervimit tuaj. Ju mund të paguani për rezervimin tuaj duke përdorur një kod promocional nëse e keni një të tillë. |
Nëse dëshironi të paguani porosinë me transfertë bankare si person juridik, dërgoni një email në adresën [email protected] |
Markë shërbimi e regjistruar në Bashkimin Evropian