Hotel Gokarna International Resort

636.2mnga qendra e qytetit

nga 6 254 ALL

Nuk ka fotografi të këtij hoteli

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Guests noted:

  • Vlera për para


  • Vendndodhja


  • Pastërtia


Nuk ka ende komente për këtë hotel, por ka një vlerësim të përgjithshëm të vizitorëve.


  • Butterfly Beach • 62.7 km
  • Agonda Beach • 65.5 km

Dhomat e disponueshme

Vendosni datat e udhëtimit tuaj dhe do të shfaqen çmimet aktuale

Nuk është zgjedhur asnjë datë

Nëse nuk i dini ende datat specifike, zgjidhni data të përafërta për të parë çmimet e llogaritura.


Om Beach Road Kudle Beach,Om Beach Road, Gokarna

  • Pika referimi
  • Butterfly Beach • 62.7 km
  • Agonda Beach • 65.5 km


Termat dhe kushtet e regjistrimit

Regjistrim dhe çregjistrim
Pas 14:00
Deri 12:00

Informacion shtesë

Consuming alcohol and smoking are strictly prohibited in the Cottages rooms area and the swimming pool area.
Food and drink are strictly prohibited in or around the pool area.
Guests must provide a valid form of government regulated identification (eg. passport, ID card, driver’s license, etc.) upon check-in.
The property is located on Kudle beach. There is no direct road to the beach and resort.
- Option 1: Guests can reach the resort from Shree Uma Maheshwara Temple parking place. The resort is accessible by steps leading down to the beach (400 meters).
- Option 2: Private parking place for car at Shivaprasad Guest house available at an additional fee per day which is 100 meters distance from the resort.
The property is not recommended for senior citizens, and physically challenged guest. Kindly contact the property directly for more details.
Please note that any changes in tax structure due to government policies will result in revised taxes, which will be applicable to all reservations and will be charged additionally during check out.


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