Torbay, Új-Zéland
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Kiwi Heritage Homestay
52 West Coast Road, Glen Eden
Sea and Sand B&B
30 Churchill Rd, Cockle Bay, Pakuranga
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Unique Home - Glenfield B&B
114 Chivalry Rd, Glenfield, North Shore City, Glenfield
Shooters Saloon Bar Hotel & Cabins
330 New North Road, Auckland
Browns Bay Olive Tree Motel & Apartment
24 Glencoe Road, Browns Bay
Auckland Northshore Motels & Holiday Park
52 Northcote Road, North Auckland
Auckland Airport Kiwi Motel
144 McKenzie Road, Mangere
Airport Skyway Lodge
30 Kirkbride Road, Mangere, Mangere
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Mt. Wellington Motel
580 Mount Wellington Hwy, Auckland
Mount Eden Motel
47 Balmoral Road, Auckland
Orewa Motor Lodge
290 Hibiscus Coast Hwy, Hibiscus Coast
Mission Bay House
3/72 Patteson Avenue, Mission Bay, Auckland
Tiraumea Home
93 TIraumea Dr, Pakuranga
Hekerua Lodge Boutique Backpackers
11 Hekerua Rd, Blackpool
Howick Luxury Large Home
106 Meadowland Dr, Pakuranga
215 Edinburgh Castle
215 symonds street, eden terrace, Auckland
Peggie's Cottage
3 Battenburg Place Torbay, Torbay
Auckland Hauraki Modern Guest House
4 Sydney St, North Auckland
Bedroom Flats and Bedspaces In Auckland
Andrew Rd, Howick
Cherry Manor - Adults Only
2A Foley Quarry Rd, North Auckland