Kathmandu, Nepál
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1 / 10
Kathmandu City Hotel
Bhagwati Marg-29 ,kathmandu , Nepal !, Kathmandu
1 / 9
Hotel Discovery Inn
Thamel Chibhal, Kathmandu
Kathmandu Suite Home
Kaldhara Height, Thamel Packnajol, 16, Kathmandu
Hotel Himalayan Oasis
Satghumti Marg, Thamel, Kathmandu
Hotel Northfield
Thamel POB 1764, Kathmandu
Hotel holiday inn
Dhalku, Chhetrapati, Thamel, Kathmandu
Karma Hotel Nepal
Thamel, Kathmandu
Hotel Rosemary Homes
Jyatha Marg, Kathmandu
Hotel Om Ganapati
Thirbum Marg Naxal Bhagwatibahal, Kathmandu
Hotel Green Horizon
Pyramid Galli, J.P. Street, Kathmandu
Greatwall International Hotel
Chibahal Street, Thamel Marg, Kathmandu
Hotel Pilgrims Pvt. Ltd.
The Exotic House
Saat Chowk, Dhobi Chaur, Thamel - 17, Kathmandu
Yatri Suites and Spa
Amrit Marg, Thamel (Manang Plaza), Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Hotel Rising Home
Rayamajhi Marga, Kathmandu
Royal Penguin Boutique Hotel & Spa
J.P Road,Thamel , Kathmandu
De Hotel Veda
Pashupati Plaza
Pingalasthan, Kathmandu
Hotel Buddha Land
Thamel Jyatha 30, Kathmandu
Aria Boutique Hotel & Spa
J P Road, Thamel, Kathmandu