Kalkara, Málta
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Villa Del Porto
1 Marina Street, Grand Harbour
Traditional Maltese Townhouse, Roof Terrace and Views
triq il ponta, Senglea
Well Located Townhouse & Courtyard Kalka
61 triq Is-Sienja, Kalkara
Traditional Maltese Townhouse wt Terrace and Pool
triq portu salvu, Senglea
Senglea, Typical Seaview Townhouse
n°62 Triq San Pietru u San Pawl, Senglea
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The Olive 3 - Hosted by Sweetstay
Triq L-10 T' Awissu 1258, Birgu
Well Located Cozy House Courtyard Kalka
Triq Is-Sienja, Kalkara
A Unique 400-year-old Modern Maltese Home
Il - Kwartier BRG 1204 Birgu Malta, Birgu