Budapest, Hungary

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Hotels in Budapest

Budapest: 4643 options found

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16 Ives street, Budapest

12.6km from the center of Budapest
4.8km from the subway station Újpest–Központ
Room in this hotel

Molnar u 35, Budapest

1.6km from the center of Budapest
289m from the subway station Fővám tér
Room in this hotel

Nagytemplom u. 31, Budapest

3.1km from the center of Budapest
236m from the subway station Klinikák
Room in this hotel

Piarista utca 6, Budapest

1.1km from the center of Budapest
314m from the subway station Ferenciek tere
Room in this hotel

Dorottya u. 8., Budapest

634m from the center of Budapest
163m from the subway station Vörösmarty tér
Room in this hotel

Osvat utca 2-8, Budapest

2.4km from the center of Budapest
232m from the subway station Blaha Lujza tér
Room in this hotel

Rákóczi út 54, Budapest

2.3km from the center of Budapest
178m from the subway station Blaha Lujza tér
Room in this hotel

85 Rózsa u., Budapest

2.3km from the center of Budapest
247m from the subway station Kodály körönd
Room in this hotel

Sas utca 24, Budapest

894m from the center of Budapest
336m from the subway station Arany János utca
Room in this hotel

Akadémia utca 15-17, Budapest

712m from the center of Budapest
240m from the subway station Kossuth Lajos tér
Room in this hotel

Asboth 9, Budapest

1.3km from the center of Budapest
300m from the subway station Deák Ferenc tér
Room in this hotel

Szövetség u. 33, Budapest

2.5km from the center of Budapest
589m from the subway station Blaha Lujza tér
Room in this hotel

1065 Budapest, Podmaniczky utca 10-17., Hungary, Budapest

1.6km from the center of Budapest
338m from the subway station Nyugati pályaudvar
Room in this hotel

1072 Budapest, Akácfa u. 43., Hungary, Budapest

1.9km from the center of Budapest
447m from the subway station Blaha Lujza tér
Room in this hotel

1052 Budapest, Haris köz 3., Hungary, Budapest

1.2km from the center of Budapest
212m from the subway station Ferenciek tere
Room in this hotel

8-10 Fehér Hajó u., Budapest

978m from the center of Budapest
175m from the subway station Deák Ferenc tér
Room in this hotel

1015 Budapest, Szabó Ilonka u. 15/b., Hungary, Budapest

683m from the center of Budapest
412m from the subway station Batthyány tér
Room in this hotel

Fodros utca 72., Budaors

6.8km from the center of Budapest
3.6km from the subway station Kelenföld vasútállomás
Room in this hotel

Zoltan u. 13. IV. emelet, Budapest

841m from the center of Budapest
200m from the subway station Kossuth Lajos tér
Room in this hotel

Klauzal utca 29., Budapest

1.9km from the center of Budapest
388m from the subway station Blaha Lujza tér
Room in this hotel