Yangyang Golden Bay Pension

10.3 kmz centra města

od 1 414 CZK

  • Yangyang Golden Bay Pension
  • Yangyang Golden Bay Pension
  • Yangyang Golden Bay Pension
  • Yangyang Golden Bay Pension
  • Yangyang Golden Bay Pension
  • Yangyang Golden Bay Pension
  • Yangyang Golden Bay Pension
  • Yangyang Golden Bay Pension

Oblíbené vybavení

  • Internet zdarma
  • Bar nebo restaurace
  • Konferenční sál


  • Yangyang Airport • 12.1 km
  • King Mswati III International Airport • 16.6 km

Dostupné pokoje

Zadejte termín cesty pro zobrazení aktuálních cen

Žádný vybraný termín

Pokud zatím nemáte konkrétní termín, vyberte přibližný termín a podívejte se na odhadované ceny.


Yangyang-gun, Gangwon-do48-9, Hajodae 2-gil, Jangjang

  • Letiště
  • Yangyang Airport • 12.1 km
  • King Mswati III International Airport • 16.6 km

Popis hotelu


Vaše dovolená by měla být příjemná! Hotel «Yangyang Golden Bay Pension» se nachází v Jangjang. Je situován do 10 km od centra města.

V hotelu

Je čas se dobře najíst! Zastavte se v restauraci. Nebudete se nudit, protože v hotelu nabízí gril. Můžete uspořádat obchodní jednání, schůzi správní rady a dokonce i pracovní pohovor, protože zde najdete konferenční sál. Přístupnost: K dispozici je výtah.

Fakta hotelu.

Typ elektrické zásuvky

Typ C

220 V / 60 Hz

Typ C


220 V / 60 Hz

Služby a vybavení


  • Výtah


  • Nekuřácký pokoj
  • Fén


  • Restaurace


  • Přístup k internetu


  • Gril


  • Konferenční sál

Podmínky ubytování

Příjezd a odjezd
Po 15:00
Do 11:00

Podmínky ubytování

Příjezd a odjezd
Po 15:00
Do 11:00

Další informace

If the total number of guests including infants exceeds the maximum capacity, they are not allowed to check in the property and no refunds will be given.
Additional charges will be required for use of facilities such as spa, BBQ facilities, and swimming pool. Please contact the property for more details.
All children and infants are considered adults for occupancy purposes.
All children and infants are considered adults for occupancy purposes.
All guestrooms at this property are non-smoking. Guests are responsible for all costs, damages, and liabilities caused by smoking.
All special requests are subject to availability.
All special requests are subject to availability.
An additional charge will be applied if the number of guests at check-in is more than the number of persons in the booking.
An additional charge will be required for use of the property facilities such as BBQ, swimming pool, and spa.
Any additional people that are not included in the original reservation are not allowed to stay.
Availability of property facilities may be subject to weather conditions or property related circumstances.
Check-in may be rejected if the number of guests at check-in is more than the number of persons in the booking.
Guests are required to provide a phone number at which property can reach them, when making the reservation.
Guests arriving after 05:00 PM are required to contact the property directly prior to arrival.
Guests arriving after 07:00 PM are requested to contact the property directly at least 2 days prior to arrival.
Guests arriving after 07:00 PM(KST) are required to contact the property directly prior to arrival.
Guests who will visit this property for quarantine purposes are required to contact the property in advance before booking made.
If you have any questions, please contact the booking site’s customer service.
Property information will be sent to your registered email upon reservation.
Smoking is prohibited. Guests are responsible for all costs, damages, and liabilities caused by smoking.
Special request room type is subject to availability. Requested bed type may not be provided upon check-in.
The information for check-in and facilities will be sent to the phone number the guest provides. (If you do not receive a message, please check your email and find the property's contact number and call them.)
The minimum age of guests to check in is 20 years if unaccompanied by an adult.
The minimum age of guests to stay is 19 years if unaccompanied by parents or legal guardians.
The property will contact guests directly in order to give instructions regarding check-in.
This is a strictly non-smoking property. Guests are responsible for all costs, damages, and liabilities caused by smoking.


V hotelu
  • Hotově v měně hotelu. — KRW.
Na webových stránkách

Některé sazby lze při online rezervaci zaplatit bankovní kartou. Rezervaci můžete zaplatit pomocí slevového kódu, pokud jej máte.

Pro firemní klienty

Pokud chcete objednávku uhradit bankovním převodem jako právní subjekt, zašlete e-mail na adresu [email protected]

Další informace