روما, إيطاليا

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Hotels with a kitchen فيروما

روما: 3546 options found

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Via del Tempio, 6, روما

470m from the center of روما
1.2km from the subway station Colosseo
Room in this hotel

Via Cardinal Cassetta 8, secondo piano, interno 9, Vaticano Prati, 00165 Rome, Italy, روما

2.7km from the center of روما
989m from the subway station Valle Aurelia
Room in this hotel

Via Angelo Brunetti 33, روما

1.9km from the center of روما
436m from the subway station Flaminio – Piazza del Popolo
Room in this hotel

Vicolo del Piombo 7, روما

460m from the center of روما
886m from the subway station Barberini – Fontana di Trevi
Room in this hotel

Via Angelo Emo 147, روما

3.4km from the center of روما
201m from the subway station Valle Aurelia
Room in this hotel

Via del Corso, 277, Trevi, 00186 Rome, Italy, روما

457m from the center of روما
901m from the subway station Barberini – Fontana di Trevi
Room in this hotel

Vicolo Del Cedro 11, روما

1.3km from the center of روما
1.8km from the subway station Circo Massimo
Room in this hotel

Via Nomentana Nuova, 79, روما

6km from the center of روما
644m from the subway station Conca d'Oro
Room in this hotel

Va Piave 15, روما

2.1km from the center of روما
612m from the subway station Castro Pretorio
Room in this hotel

Piazza di Pasquino, 69, روما

1km from the center of روما
1.3km from the subway station Spagna
Room in this hotel

Via Principe Eugenio, روما

2.2km from the center of روما
414m from the subway station Vittorio Emanuele
Room in this hotel

Via Labicana 29/B, Rione Monti, 00184 Rome, Italy, روما

1.5km from the center of روما
551m from the subway station Manzoni – Museo della Liberazione
Room in this hotel

Via del Mattonato 6, روما

1.3km from the center of روما
1.8km from the subway station Circo Massimo
Room in this hotel

IT Rome Stazione Termini, روما

5.5km from the center of روما
2.4km from the subway station Cornelia
Room in this hotel

Via Giovanni Lanza, روما

1.1km from the center of روما
256m from the subway station Cavour
Room in this hotel

Via delle Quattro Fontane 5, روما

1.2km from the center of روما
59m from the subway station Barberini – Fontana di Trevi
Room in this hotel

Lungotevere della Farnesina 2, روما

1.1km from the center of روما
1.8km from the subway station Colosseo
Room in this hotel

Via Antonio Pacinotti 35, Portuense, 00146 Rome, Italy, روما

2.7km from the center of روما
1.2km from the subway station Piramide
Room in this hotel

Via del Gesu' 89, Pantheon, 00186 Rome, Italy, روما

517m from the center of روما
1.1km from the subway station Spagna
Room in this hotel

Vicolo di Montevecchio 26, روما

1.2km from the center of روما
1.2km from the subway station Spagna
Room in this hotel